
2020CGOG | Dr. Niu Gang was invited to talk about precision medicine
2022-06-16 17:32:19 文章來(lái)源

On June 11, 2022, at the   12th Beijing Digestive Tumor International Summit Forum and the annual   meeting of China Gastrointestinal Tumor Clinical Research Cooperation Group   (CGOG), Dr. Niu Gang, the co-founder of Phil Rivers Tech, gave a keynote   speech on "Computational Medicine and Tumor Precision Therapy".

Zhan Qimin, an academician   of the International Cancer Research Institute of Peking University, served   as the honorary chairman of the conference, and Shen Lin, a professor from   Peking University Cancer Hospital, Qin Lunxiu, a professor from Huashan   Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and Hao Jihui, a professor from   Tianjin Cancer Hospital, co chaired the conference. 

Dr. Niu Gang introduced in   detail the application cases of AI-driven brand-new paradigm research in   gastric adenocarcinoma immunotherapy. Finally, Dr. Niu Gang summarized the   brand-new paradigm research, artificial intelligence based on biological   principles to comprehensively understand the etiology, disease mechanism,   drug mechanism to make an accurate drug efficacy judgment for each patient   and provide clinical disease management and treatment path.



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